Post 4

I think that is not a simple question, mostly because I think that time travel is an interesting topic in the science point of view, cause the idea of travel between time and live the same events more than once has plenty of paradox connected to it. I mean, have you seen Back to The Future? Or you even may apply the same “rule set” of Game of Thrones (like I do), the one that the three eyed raven said; “The past is already written, the ink is dry” Even if is a pretty sad one because it means that you cannot change anything, but from this comes my response, if you cannot (realistically) change things, why would I travel to the past? What Would I find? More knowledge that I could share in “the way back”? That could be interesting, but very passive. I want more action, what if you travel to the future? I mean, from the realistically point of view again is not as hard to travel backwards, and it does not have the problem with interfering with my own existence. It may be really fun, get to know the achievement of mankind, see advance technology and even check the lottery numbers to go on and buy that ticket when I return (Back to the future 2), because it may be really fun to travel between time, but I personally would not stay in any but my own.   


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