
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2022

Post 3

 My dream job When I think about a favorite job, the first thing that pops into my mind is one that perfectly mix what you do in your free time and something that benefits society, and whit it, yourself (get paid) I think that a specific job that contains those two, but, without usual disadvantages that “entertainment jobs” have, is something that I have as a goal. But, what do I mean with entertainment job? Basically a job that lacks of importance in the “real deal” of life (Medics, teachers, engineers etc) and focus more in making things to enjoy life (Arts, actors, writers etc) I actually want to do both, but mainly because of the usual disadvantages, because my dream job is actually film director, but in here (Chile) and in my general context is not the best idea, mostly because of money, being actually appreciated and others limitations. Sadly, is the reality, but that does not mean that I will give up, it only means that I got to find a different way to finally have that specif


The first "concert" I assisted was a "31 minutos" performance in one of Santiago´s thearers, I don't remember exactly when, but I was like 12 years old or something and it was a surprise from my mom, me and my sister had any idea of the purpuse of we going to the thearer, we just enter and saw a magnificant poster of the show and realized the real reason of we visiting that specific place of Santiago. I do remember tho that they play more a band-show than a theater with the puppets kinda - show, but it was not really a dissapointment, on the contrary, it was actually pretty good listening the songs and see the real artists behind those beautiful compositions. I remember that I start listening 31 minutos a lot after the show, in the trip back home I searched the lyrics in my phone and took a screenshot to read it, even when we arrive home we did not stop singing. It was a good day with my family