Post 5

If I have to think about changes related to my education, a few ideas pops into my mind, the main one being related to the way the teachers, well… Teach, not everyone or always, but something that is pretty annoying for me is when they teach you something and in the end, they say that is not so important right now, that we will see that topic in another subject, in another semester… I mean I get it, it is related and all and the science does not care about subjects or being to difficult to learn, but is it not more confusing? Because, and this is why I do not choose to only blame the teachers, but also (and mainly) the current evaluation system that we have, the only thing that matters is the grade that we obtain from the test, I personally think that the knowledge is not accurately measure with 2 or 3 test that last hour and a half in a semester, and probably a lot of people would agree with me, but if you fail those 3 test, you will fail the subject, you will be recognized as someone who does not know enough by the system, and therefore, you will have to repeat those 3 test and try to pass the subject (in another semester of course). And unfortunately it not the only thing, the idea of completing the subject by having good grades in so few test is scary for the students, it is a motivator, but not a good one, from my point of view, it does not encourage learning, but have the good grades whatever it takes, it might be hours of study or even cheat on the test. 


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